High Voltage Sensor Technology for increased Reliability and Safety” for Electrical Utility applications


SensorLink was founded in 1985 with the mission of providing high technology research and engineering assistance for companies searching to improve their competitive edge.

In 1988, SensorLink was approached by a power utility with a request to develop a device that would eliminate the mechanical clamp from measurements of current. An inductive sensor was developed that used no magnetic materials and had no moving parts. The opening of the sensor is electronically closed and external currents are also electronically rejected. Accuracy, external current reject, and range of currents measured substantially exceed the best clamp-on sensors. The result is the patented sensor that is used in almost all SensorLink products.

Today, thousands of SensorLink instruments are in use worldwide. Their aggressive research and development program is directed at providing high quality, easy to use, sensing instruments that meet the increasingly complex requirements of the electric utility industry.

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