2000 SP DFB-11 Portable Humidity Generator

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The Geo Calibration model 2000 SP DFB-11 Portable Humidity Generator performs calculations and control functions through the use of a multifunction microcontroller in conjunction with custom design electronics, hardware and firmware.

The embedded computer control system allows the MODEL 2000 SP DFB-11 to generate known humidity levels unattended using feedback from the probe undergoing calibration. This frees the operating technician from system monitoring and adjustment tasks. Additionally, the system automatically measures the probe under calibration, recording the data output to a file, which can be printed at later time for records.

No personnel are required to read values from the probe, which frees the operator from manually reading and recording the data, thus eliminating human error. This system allows the owner to enter the company name, operator name, probe type, serial number, date, time and what kind of calibration was performed, which is then saved in a file format and a plot format.

A computer may be connected via the USB interface, allowing remote set point control and a continuous data feed.

The operator may input Humidity and Temperature set point values from either the front panel controller or via our Desktop Software. When using the Desktop Software, visual indications of system status are displayed in real time. The Desktop software also allows the user to create experiments that utilize sequences of unlimited set points and loops to carry out desired tasks. Once again, while operating, the unit collects and saves the data, which can be later used to print a report in either plot form or data form. The software is intuitively designed for those who have little or no programming experience.

The Geo Calibration model 2000 SP DFB-11’s Portable Humidity Generator automated calibration feature presents many benefits to probe manufacturers. The door has four connector ports, allowing the operator to calibrate the probes while the machine is settling the remaining three probes. This makes manufacturing and qualifying both user friendly and efficient, with printed data for each probe.


Contact us to discuss your application / options and pricing.



Features & Benefits

  • Analog Probe Reader
  • Live Probe Feedback
  • DFB Software Integration
  • DFB Software Integration
  • Technician Profiles