IVC222HPII Portable Voltage/Current Calibrator is NO LONGER AVAILABLE.

Recommended replacement: PIE 532

SKU: 19D1991 Category: Tags: , ,


The Martel Electronics IVC-222HPII Precision Voltage Current Calibrator is a general purpose source that can be used in engineering, manufacturing, test, and process control applications. It combines both digital and analog circuitry to achieve its rated specifications in a small, reliable package.The IVC-222HPII has the capability to store and recall up to two setpoint values, the SP1 and SP2 keys. An RS-232 port accessed via a custom cable (available from Martel) allows the calibrator to be computer controlled for automated testing.



Features & Benefits

  • Remarkable 0.015% of reading accuracy
  • Four ranges: 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V and 24 mA
  • Intuitive, easy to use controls
  • RS-232 interface allows computer control
  • Built-in 24 V supply can drive 4 to 20 mA loops over 1,000 Ohms
  • Rugged, lightweight, hand-held unit
  • Protective sleeve case with clear viewing/operation window

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