TC-100 Precision Thermocouple Calibrator is NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
Recommended replacement: PIE 422 or PIE 422Plus


Easy-to-use instrument for all your thermocouple calibration needs

The TC-100 Temperature Calibrator provides high accuracy source and measurement of ten common thermocouples, as well as mV. The TC-100’s accuracy of ±0.3°C for Type J T/C’s includes all errors, at resolutions of ±0.01°C or °F in measure mode and ±0.1°C or °F in source mode. Features including MIN/MAX re-call in measure mode, three setpoints per thermocouple range, a large knob for decade control of the output in source mode, and the ability to accept bare T/C wires in addition to mini-plug inputs, makes the TC-100 an accurate, easy-to-use instrument for all your thermocouple needs. 



Features & Benefits

  • High accuracy ±0.3°C (Type J T/C – all errors combined)
  • Ten (10) common T/C types plus mV
  • Accepts both T/C mini-plug and bare T/C wires
  • Simple decade control of output
  • Three (3) setpoints for each T/C type
  • MIN/MAX recall in measure mode
  • Input protection to 240 VAC
  • Supplied as shown with neoprene sleeve case

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