Calibrator functions include:
- Calibrate milliamps and voltage
Source 0.00 to 24.00 mA, 0.00 to 10.25 VDC and 0.00 to 80.00 mV
Read to 24.00 mA, 00.00 to 10.,25 VDC, 0.0 to 60.0 VDC, 00.00 to 80.00 mV
Simulate 2 Wire transmitters
Power up transmitters and loops with built in 24 V power supply
Simplify HART hook ups with built in 250 ohm resistor - Calibrate directly in temperature (°C & °F)
Thermocouple types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, G, C, D, L (J DIN), U (T DIN) and P(Platinel II)
RTD types Pt 100 Ohm (3850, 3902, 3916, 3926) & 1000 Ohm (3850)
Copper 10 & 50 Ohm, Nickel 110 and 120 Ohm
Resistance up to 4010 ohms - Checkout flow and vibration systems
Source & read frequency to 2000 CPM (Counts-Per-Minute), 999.99
Hz, 9999.9 Hz, 20.000 kHz - Source pH signals to calibrate pH transmitters and instruments
Source from 0.000 to 14.000 pH @ 25°C (77°F) corresponding to +414.12 to -414.12 mV - Measure pressure with optional pressure modules
32 modules for gauge, differential, compound and absolute pressure - Two isolated channels allow you to calibrate transmitters, PLC’s and other instruments with one unit