US $1,749.00US $2,159.00

SKU: PIE-XXYYYY Category: Tags: , , ,


Choose from 32 different digital pressure modules that simply connect to your PIE 820Elite, PIE 830 or PIE 850 calibrator via a communications cable. Software is pre-loaded on your PIE calibrator so you can add pressure modules to your toolbox at any time. Pressure module is automatically detected upon connection to your calibrator.

Features & Benefits

  • Modules for Differential, Gauge, Absolute and Compound applications
  • Ranges from 0-2000 inches of water and up to 3000 PSI
  • Isolated and non isolated options.  Isolated sensors for use with fluids compatible 316L SS.  Non Isolated sensors for use with clean, dry, non-corrosive gases only (Brass, 316L SS, Viton, Silicon gel)
  • Accurate to ±0.025% of full scale(all models) except DN0010 which is ±0.05% of full scale.  Accuracy specifications include all affects of temperature from -20 to 50 degrees C.
  • 32 selectable engineering pressure units
  • Fitted in protective rubber boot
  • 3 pocket carrying case available which holds calibrator, pressure module and test leads.