VTT10-P is a temperature transmitter for DIN rail mounting, that accepts TC, RTD, Ohm and mV sensors, generating 4-20 mA current signal (HART® 7 model) or a digital signal (Profibus-PA model), according to the measurement type and user configuration. The HART®/4-20 mA model has two open-collector outputs for alarms or on/off signals.
In case of failure, the NAMUR NE43 standard takes the current output to 3.6 or 21 mA, according to user specification and to 3.8 or 20.5 mA in case of saturation.
The Profibus-PA model, besides a temperature transmitter, can be used as a 4-20 mA signal converter for Profibus-PA, making it easy to integrate conventional 4-20 mA equipment into the Profibus system.