CAD $1,130.00

Portable telescopic hotwire thermo-anemometer, stainless steel remote probe Ø 8 mm, length 1 m, telescopic, graduate, bent at 90°, cable length 2 m, (0.15 to 30 m/s and 0 to +50°C). 2-line display. Functions: air velocity, airflow in duct, airflow with cones, temperature, automatic average, Hold, Min, Max, backlight, change of unit, configurable automatic switch-off. Supplied with soft case and adjustment certificate.


Wired probe, hold-min-max functions, adjustable automatic shut-off, adjustable backlight. IP54 ABS housing.

VT 115 : telescopic hotwire bent at 90°

Airflow calculation, airflow calculation with cone, automatic average, detection of flow direction.

Measuring range

Air velocity : 0,15 to 30 m/s
Temperature : 0 to +50°C
Airflow : 0 to 99 999 m3/h

Supplied with adjustment certificate and transport case.

