US $462.25


SKU: 4380233 Category: Tags: , ,


The RF314-TC data logger measures the temperature of the environment in which the probe is situated.

Data is transmitted wirelessly via a WiFi network to a PC and viewed using free software available to download. There is also the option to use Comark Cloud for data storage.

If the data logger temporarily loses connectivity with the network, it will log readings until it is able to communicate again with the PC application (max 120 days at 10 second sample interval). The range of the data logger can be increased by using WiFi extenders.

The RF314-TC data logger is supplied with a thermocouple probe and can be used with a range of probes from Comark Instruments in a variety of food production and food service temperature applications.

This RF314-TC is a low powered battery device with a battery life of 3 months to one year, depending on transmission rate. The battery can be recharged via a PC or by mains power using the RF320/US power supply unit, which is available as an accessory. Please note, supplied probe may differ from that shown.

